Welcome to my 365 Days of PiKs blog!
I love photography and have wanted to do something with this love since my junior year in high school!
I'm hoping that this year of pictures will help me become a better photographer and reach outside my comfort zone.
So follow me in taking pictures of randoms, daily things, but mostly my little boy, Boston!

© Copyright
Please do not use piKs without permission.
Thank You!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day #243- December 13

This blog has become more of a hassle then an enjoyment. But I will not FAIL. I will finish this goal of mine!
I figured I had better catch up before we head off to Vegas today.
-Between this, packing, my 1 year old, and getting emotionally prepared to leave my baby for the next 4 days... Today has been heartbreaking!
... My stomach is in knots, my heart is aching, and my mind can't let my baby go! As silly as it sounds I've already hugged my little boy, while being in tears... And I can only imagine how I'll really be while leaving him and on my way home from dropping him off!
Wish me luck... I'm off the spend the next hour and a half with my baby!

Day #242- Fire

Boston loves when the fireplace is on!

Day #241- ily


Day #240- We [heart] Snow

it's the truth

Day #239- Grump

He's getting a molar in...
He's grumpy, to say the least.

Day #238- Family

The picture says it all.

Day #237- Stockings

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care... =]

Day #238- Snow


Day #237- Tree

Awwee yess... The tree...
I'm not too into the whole "overload your tree with junk!"
I like it to be simple... Yet Beautiful!

Day #236- Christmas time!

it's that time again!
Most of the next pictures are all of Christmas Decor!

Day #235- Bouquet

If that awful glare wasn't there I might like this picture...
This was a last second shot... It's my Wedding Bouquet! My dad and Susan had it frozen for me... I love it!

Day #234- Bathtime

Between Boston and I... I'm not sure who loves bath time more?

Day #233- Messy

Boston+An open bag of cherrios= even bigger messes!

Day #232- Cards!

For about a week Bobby and I got really into blackjack!
Not so much anymore...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day #231- FaIL!

Due to moving, thanksgiving, packing, traveling, unpacking, and having a LIFE!
I have FAILED! But just so you know... I HAVE taken a picture everyday! BUT..... I've fallen too far behind and have too much stuff to do to update every single picture... So I'm starting where I left off! And I WILL do better!
So... to kick off my RETURN... Check this cute couple out!
I took Tayler's family pictures... Go here to see them!
And just so you know... This was actually a test shot... and look how good they look!
I can't wait for their engagement and wedding pictures!
They are getting married next July and I CAN'T wait!!
I love you, Tayler!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day #230- Cute Little Man

This piK was taken in August... But I re-edited it and I LOVE how it turned out!!
Be patient... I took Boston out today for some 1 year piKs... and they will probably be up tomorrow, a long with some more that I take! =]

Day #229- Spencer's Farm

Trot-Trot and Boston!
How cute!

Day #228- Halloween!

My little PUPPY!
It looks SO much cuter with him walking around!
But I wasn't lucky enough to be fast enough to snap a piK of that! =]

Day #227- Vaughn!

Vaughn in his halloween costume!
Isn't he sooo cute!?

Day #226-Fog

I love the FOG rolling in!

Day #225- Jacket

Isn't his jacket CUTE?
I got it for 50 cents at a garage sale before we was born!
I love it!
And his face!
NICE boston!

Day #224- JellyFISH

We went to the aquarium again!
I can't get enough of the JellyFISH!

Day #223- Ham!

He's SUCH a HAM!


Day #222- Clouds

I LOVE the clouds in this piK!


Day #221- Trails

i love Robert and Cindy's backyard!
I'm thinking about doing some of boston's piKs here before we leave!
What do you think?