Welcome to my 365 Days of PiKs blog!
I love photography and have wanted to do something with this love since my junior year in high school!
I'm hoping that this year of pictures will help me become a better photographer and reach outside my comfort zone.
So follow me in taking pictures of randoms, daily things, but mostly my little boy, Boston!

© Copyright
Please do not use piKs without permission.
Thank You!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day #181- More Teething

I love this pictures for 4 reasons...
1-His pacifier is upside down.
2- He's watching a cartoon.
3- His monkey PJ's.
4- He looks SOOO big!

this was a pj day! we stayed in our pajamas all day and cleaned!

1 comment:

  1. so I just saw your link to your pictures on facebook. How fun, I started the 365 pics app on the iphone but I would always forget to take the picture, kudos to you for keeping it up and taking great photos. By the way I think we have almost the same exact couch.
