Welcome to my 365 Days of PiKs blog!
I love photography and have wanted to do something with this love since my junior year in high school!
I'm hoping that this year of pictures will help me become a better photographer and reach outside my comfort zone.
So follow me in taking pictures of randoms, daily things, but mostly my little boy, Boston!

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Please do not use piKs without permission.
Thank You!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day #140- Photoshoot

I had SUCH a fun time shooting these two models! =]

sooo, i've been super busy while being here in idaho!
and i'm loving every second of it!
i'm sad it is about to come to an end. (on tuesday)
but i'm SOOO excited to get back to my amazing husband!
i've been taking lots and lots of pic.
and creating a new "real photoblog"
i'll unveil it soon!
as for now, i'm just happy my dad found a cord that would fit my camera.
and i'm tired! 1:30 here.

p.s. i just got photoshop cs4 and am having a had time figuring it out!
so ignore the editing on some of my pics. they didn't turn out how i had in mind!
and if you have any advice, or websites that have advice/tutorials. let me KNOW!

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