Welcome to my 365 Days of PiKs blog!
I love photography and have wanted to do something with this love since my junior year in high school!
I'm hoping that this year of pictures will help me become a better photographer and reach outside my comfort zone.
So follow me in taking pictures of randoms, daily things, but mostly my little boy, Boston!

© Copyright
Please do not use piKs without permission.
Thank You!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


some home this little man climbed up the wall.
the funny thing is,
the reason i found him like this was because he was screaming!
he couldn't figure out how to get down! haha...

I have officially decided to open up my "official" photoblog!
so click here to check it out!

I'm offering up a FREE PHOTO SESSION!
For either the Monterey Bay Area.
Or for the Rexburg, Idaho area over Labor Day weekend!
so email me at lkaymphotography@gmail.com
you can also contact me through here, my other blog, or facebook!

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