Welcome to my 365 Days of PiKs blog!
I love photography and have wanted to do something with this love since my junior year in high school!
I'm hoping that this year of pictures will help me become a better photographer and reach outside my comfort zone.
So follow me in taking pictures of randoms, daily things, but mostly my little boy, Boston!

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Please do not use piKs without permission.
Thank You!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day #27- My Little TV Hater!

Let me start off by saying that this little guy HATES TV I mean HATE TV! He will not sit and watch it for the life of me! BUT I do say that I'm happy about that! Well... This morning I needed to get some laundry done so I put on Horton Hears a Who... It's one of the few cartoons I have... and he LOVED it! I even caught him laughing! SO cute!

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